Wetlands Estuaries Bays Lagoons

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Taking a sediment core in Newport Bay.
Close up of a sediment core in Newport Bay.
Finishing a sediment core in Newport Bay.
Taking a sediment core sample in Newport Bay.
Sample set up for transport to lab in Newport Bay.
Getting ready to trawl in Newport Bay.
Untangling a fish from the trawl net in Newport Bay.
Trawl catch in Newport Bay.
Rinsing the Van Veen Sediment Grab in Newport Bay.
Rinsing the Van Veen Sediment Grab in Newport Bay.
Climbing out of the mud after sampling.
Taking a sediment sample.
Benthic Flux Chambers to determine the flow of nutrients from the sediment to the water.
Taking sediment core samples.
Taking a sediment core sample from the Santa Ana Marsh.
Dissecting gall bladders and drawing blood for biomarkers from juvenile California halibut.
Taking mussel samples from the Tijuana estuary.
Please credit images to SCCWRP.